Senin, 24 Oktober 2016


Name : Syamsul Sogiri
Nim   : 12150495
Class : 12.1c.14
My Family
I want to tell you about my big family.
I have a great grandnaughter, he was good, my great grandnaughter  is now 97 years old, Her skin is very wrinkled, and her hair was white.
I have two grandmothers,
My grandmother’s first 78 years old, he can hardly walk because of her weight reached 130 kg.
My grandmother’s  were both  82 years old, he’s fine, white hair, and  she already does not have teeth.
My mother named Laelah, age 46 years younger than my father. she reserve the sweet smile, curly hair and brown eyes.
My father named darip, he tray , he worked as an entrepreneur, my father 53 years old, older than my mother, his hair a little white.
My brother called Saeful Anwar, he was handsome, his hair straight and black, my brother  was 26 years old, he is now working in the company karawang with surveyor position.
My sister in law called Ovi, she was 24 years old,  she had a white skin, beautiful hair and sweet smile.
Younger brother Called Ijul, 6 years old, he was very cute, flat nose, bald head, he was also very naughty,
Thank you.

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