Senin, 24 Oktober 2016


Name         : Syamsul Sogiri
Class           : 12.1c.14
NIM            : 12150495
Did you study hard in high school?
One years ago when I was still in high school. Precisely in SMA Negeri 1 Pebayuran, at school I was studying for 3 years. Since it first entered high school , I already had a determination to strive to be the best, from class 1 to grade 3, I always tried as much as possible.
The material for the sake of material always I look and I noticed, I also often ask when in class , so that I would know and understand what is conveyed master to disciple. It was also one of the ways that teacher pay more attention to me, so that I can be considered as an exemplary student.J JJ
Every School work, I always try to do my best. I also take advantage of existing libraries to help complete my school work.
In high school, I was the toughest challenge of my friends, they are intelligent and also have a passion in learning. But I do not want to lose, I still try my best. I make this challenge as my motivation to be more active in learning.
At the end of each division of the value of the class, I always get a rating of 4 or 5, I am grateful that I got rank. That is the result of my hard work performance learned that I can give to my parents. Another time I promise to do better to be the best.
Thank you.

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